This novel follows significant figures in modern history, including the Founding Fathers of the United States, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and Paul Revere, who were Freemasons. Also, Giuseppe Garibaldi, the Italian freedom fighter, was also one, as were the composers Franz Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and writers François Marie Arouet de Voltaire and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The Meaning of Masonry explores the order's beliefs, cryptic rites, and symbols and uncovers its ultimate purpose.

Shriners Hospitals for Children is Here for You

Shriners Hospitals for Children® is a health care system with locations in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Staff is dedicated to improving the lives of children by providing pediatric specialty care, conducting innovative research, and offering outstanding educational programs for medical professionals. Children up to age 18 with orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate are eligible for care, regardless of the families’ ability to pay. Within these broad service lines, many types of care are provided. For example, some locations offer reconstructive plastic surgery, treatment for craniofacial abnormalities or care for sports injuries. Generally, care is provided until age 18, although, in some cases, it may be extended to age 21. All services are provided in a compassionate, family-centered environment. To read more visit: www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org

Shriners Hospitals Mission
To provide the highest quality care to children with Neuromusculoskeletal conditions, burn injuries, and other special health care needs within a compassionate, family-centered, and collaborative care environment.
To provide for the education of physicians and other health care professionals.
To conduct research to discover new knowledge that improves the quality of care and quality of life for children and their families.
All care at Shriners Hospitals for Children is provided without regard to a patient or family’s ability to pay.
Since the first hospital opened in Shreveport, Louisiana in 1922, this unique philanthropy has grown to an extraordinary 22 hospitals in the United States, Canada, and Mexico City.
Shriners hospitals for children continue to change lives every day through innovative pediatric specialty care for children with orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate; regardless of the families’ ability to pay.
The children that Mecca Shriners have helped to be cared for in our hospitals in Montreal (orthopedic), Boston (burns),
Philadelphia (spinal cord) and Chicago (cleft lip and palate). Our children are also seen by specialists at different outreach clinics.
Shriners hospitals for children are the “Heart and Soul” of Mecca Shriners.
Refer a Patient
Do you know a child in need of emergency care?
To refer a patient or request an appointment
Click the Link below:
or call 800-237-5055 within the United States or
800-361-7256 within Canada.